5th edition of the Young Researchers' Days



Welcome to the page of the 5th edition of the young researchers' days, 2023 edition!


This conference aims to bring together young researchers from the Centre Val de Loire region around a subject that brings us together, science!


This year the J2C will take place on the 20th and the 21st of March 2023 at the Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans.


During these two days, those who wish to do so will have the opportunity to share their research work with us (in a popularised manner) through an oral presentation or a poster.

We will have the opportunity to discuss and debate together about future topics such as "The future of science and technology" and/or "Our impact as researchers on the environment".

An opportunity to discuss science but not only! An evening/activity will be organised on the first evening (20th of March), which will allow us to meet in a more convivial and festive context.


Our mission is to allow as many people as possible to participate. Therefore, registration is free, accommodation (if necessary) and transport to the conference will be provided by the J2C organisation.


Each participant will be responsible for his or her own transport to the conference venue (Orléans) and back to his or her home town.


Registration is now open!


Abstract submissions for oral and poster sessions are open until Sunday the 26th of February (11:59 PM). You will find more information in the "Practical information" section.





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